
This project is released on PyPI as coveralls.

To cut a new release, ensure the latest master passes all tests. Then, create a release commit:

  1. Update the with the new version (clog -C -F --setversion x.y.z).
  2. Bump the version number in
  3. Commit and push (git commit -am 'chore(release): bump version' && git push)
  4. Tag and push that commit with the version number (git tag x.y.z && git push origin x.y.z).
  5. Create a new GitHub release.

To create a new PyPI release, do the following:

  1. Build the sources (python sdist bdist_wheel).
  2. Register & upload the sources. (twine upload $PWD/dist/*).

Then, to pin a new docker release, do the following:

  1. Build the new image (docker build --build-arg COVERALLS="coveralls==x.y.z" -t thekevjames/coveralls:x.y.z ..
  2. Push it to dockerhub (docker push thekevjames/coveralls:x.y.z).
  3. Note: the :latest tag will be handled automatically by Dockerhub’s automated infrastructure.

Conda should automatically create a PR on their coveralls-feedstock shortly with the updated version – if something goes wrong, the manual process would be to:

  1. Fork coveralls-feedstock.
  2. Update recipe/meta.yaml with the new version number and sha.
  3. Create a PR.
  4. Comment on your own PR with: “@conda-forge-admin, please rerender”.
  5. Merge along with the automated commit from Conda.