
coveralls-python often works without any outside configuration by examining the environment it is being run in. Special handling has been added for AppVeyor, BuildKite, CircleCI, Github Actions, Jenkins, and TravisCI to make coveralls-python as close to “plug and play” as possible.

Most often, you will simply need to run coveralls-python with no additional options after you have run your coverage suite:


If you have placed your .coveragerc in a non-standard location, you can run:

coveralls --rcfile=/path/to/coveragerc

If you would like to override the service name (auto-discovered on most CI systems, set to coveralls-python otherwise):

coveralls --service=travis-pro
# or, via env var:
COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME=travis-pro coveralls

If you are interested in merging the coverage results between multiple languages/projects, see our multi-language documentation.

If coveralls-python is being run on TravisCI, it will automatically set the token for communication with Otherwise, you should set the environment variable COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN, which can be found on the dashboard for your project in

COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=mV2Jajb8y3c6AFlcVNagHO20fiZNkXPVy coveralls

If you are running multiple jobs in parallel and want to merge those results, you should set COVERALLS_PARALLEL to true in your environment:


If you are using a non-public instance (for example: self-hosted Coveralls Enterprise), you can set COVERALLS_HOST to the base URL of that insance:

COVERALLS_HOST="" coveralls

In that case, you may also be interested in disabling SSL verification:


If you are using named jobs, you can set:


You can also set any of these values in a .coveralls.yml file in the root of your project repository. If you are planning to use this method, please ensure you install coveralls[yaml] instead of just the base coveralls package.

Sample .coveralls.yml file:

service_name: travis-pro
repo_token: mV2Jajb8y3c6AFlcVNagHO20fiZNkXPVy
parallel: true